Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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81 lines
1000 <--- Starting money (CMNY)
500 <--- Public opinion (POPN)
500 <--- Starting Crime rate (CRAT)
500 <--- Stoplight Delay (STPLGHTDELY)
100 <--- Random friendly pickup in low posture (RANDFPCKUP)
100 <--- Give neutral units new orders (GIVENEWORDERS)
100 <--- General time count number (TIMECNT)
2 <--- if time count < this num, do a fatigue and morale check (FACCT)
10 <--- morale point to start checking if the cop quits (STARTCF)
2 <--- cop quitting chance factor (MULTCF)
90 <--- after what point morale gets taken off for fatigue (MORALEGD)
10 <--- Public opinion (POPN) increase for freindlypickup (FPCKUPIN)
17 <--- Starting hour (GHOUR)
0 <--- Starting minutes (GMIN)
23 <--- Starting Day (GDAY)
8 <--- Startingmonth (GMNTH)
1993 <--- Starting year (GYEAR)
6 <--- Dawn time (DAWN)
18 <--- Dusk time in military hours (DUSK)
800 <--- Chance that nothing will be ina car (NOTHING)
80 <--- Chance th drugs will be ina car (DRUGS) O1000
30 <--- Chance that a obvious murder (MURDER) O1000
30 <--- Chance that a guy is driving drunk (DRUNK) O1000
30 <--- Chance that a guy is speeding (SPEED) O1000
30 <--- Chance that a guy is carrying illegalweps (BIGWEPS) O1000
940 <--- Chance that no random events are hap'nng (RNOTHING)
4 <---- Chance that a murder has occurred (RMURDER)
5 <---- Chance that a theft occured (RTHEFT)
5 <---- Chance that a cop sees something (RVIS)
6 <---- Chance that a murder has occurred (RASSLT)
7 <---- Chance that a theft occured (RSPEED)
7 <---- Chance that a cop sees something (RDWI)
6 <---- Chance that a murder has occurred (RVNDL)
20 <---- Chance that a theft occured (RLTNG)
10 <---- Run random events factor (GORAND)
1 <---- Chance that a serial killer will pop up (SERK)
30 <---- If a car has drugs,prob. they be found (FDRUGS) O100
30 <---- Murder found (FMURDER) O100
30 <---- Illegal weps (FBIGWEPS) O100
90 <---- Chance that populace is indiffent to a crime (INDIF) O100
20 <---- Number of people allowed in a prison (PRISONMAX)
3 <---- a 1 in X chance of a criminal outoprison being criminal (NEWCRIME)
30 <---- random decrease in CRAT if a guy is released (NEWCRIM)
10 <---- random violence when a car is stopped by a cop (RVIO) O1000
1 <---- Public opinion (POPN) penalty for a speeding cop (SPDCOP)
10 <---- Going against public recommendations factor (PUNISHFAC)
4 <---- Punishment for jailing anyone(JAILMAN)
1 <---- CRAT dilution factor (1 is least dilute)
500 <---- POPN + range (POPNPRNGE)
300 <---- POPN - range (POPNMRNGE)
400 <---- CRAT + range (CRATPRNGE)
200 <---- CRAT - range (CRATMRNGE)
2 <---- Range catch speed (CTCHSPD)
15 <---- Penalty for dropping off a freeloader (DROPOFF)
2 <---- POPN benefit for posture 1 (PSTRA)
2 <---- POPN detract for posture 3 (PSTRC)
18 <---- POPN detract for stopping cars (STOPCAR)
2040 <---- Police brutality randomness (POLICEBRUTAL)
2040 <---- Rape randomness (RAPE)
2040 <---- Arson randomness (ARSON)
2940 <---- public indecency randomness (PUBLICIN)
2940 <---- Criminal neglegence randomness (CRIMNEG)
2040 <---- Computer crim random (COMPCRIM)
2040 <---- Hate crime negative (HATE)
10 <---- Blockade stop POPN - (BLOCKADESTOP)
100 <---- At what point riots in POPN chance of a riot strt (STARTRIOT)
100 <---- Chance of a riot happening (RIOTRAND)
5 <---- Chance of a guy running from the fed (CHASEME)
10 <---- Number of Officers to start with besides assigned (OFF)
10 <---- Same as above but with patrolmen (PMEN)
90 <---- Point at neighborhood watch begin (NEIWATCH) O100
300 <---- Officer skill (OFSKL)
100 <---- Patrolmen skill (PMSKL)
200 <---- Starting skill (MSKL[A])
-10 <---- Benefit for posture 1 searches (APOST)
0 <---- Benefit for posture 2 searches (BPOST)
30 <---- Benefit for posture 3 searches (CPOST)
30 <---- Number of people allowed in a court (COURTMAX)
300 <---- Lab upgrade cost(LABUP)
300 <---- Helicopter pad upgrade cost (HELUP)